In this section of the Cyber Ninja Training Plan is a quick course that explains the basics of regular expressions. Regex is a rabbit hole, and there’s no way to become close to an expert in 20 minutes, but this is simply to get familiar with the subject.

Here is a link to the Cyber Ninja Training Plan.

Here is a link to the video by Web Dev Simplified, Learn Regular Expressions in 20 Minutes.

My Notes

RegExr - an online tool to learn, build and test Regular Expressions.

A way to search through a string of text. In an advanced way.

A ton of things you can do with regex.

Surrounded by forward slashes.

Flags go after the last forward slash. E.g. /cat/g








/(t T)he/g


To be honest, just use the explainer website regexr, linked above.

Positive look-behind.
