In this section of the Cyber Ninja Training Plan, it’s a relatively short course that explains the basics of the Linux command line.

Here is a link to the Cyber Ninja Training Plan.

Here is a link to the (free) Udemy course, Linux Command Line for Beginners.

My Notes

Understanding the File System Locations:

/bin contains binaries (executable files)

/boot contains files required for starting system

/dev contains device files.

/etc/ contains everything to configure

/home contains user accounts personal directories

/lib is where libraries are containing code for applications

/media is where external storage would be mounted.

/mnt is where you would mount storage devices or partitions

/opt is where software usually compiles

/proc/ is information about your computer and CPU / linux kernel

/root/ is the home directory of the superuser (admin account)

/run/ stores temporary data for other processes

/sbin contains applications for the superuser

/usr/ is a bunch of directories with information relative to applications

/srv is a data area for servers

/sys/ contains information from devices connected to the computer

/tmp/ contains temporary files usually placed by applications

/var/ is where log files typically exist

Play around with the following commands: pwd cd ls file

Use a wildcard at the end of a command to list everything, e.g.

$ ls /etc/cron*

File Permissions

d means it’s a directory

- means it’s a file

rwx: read, write, execute.

User - Group - All Other User Accounts