These are notes from my journey through TryHackMe’s free rooms. Here are my notes from the Linux Fundamentals Part 3 room.

This room is more intense than the first two.

Learn the ps command.

To kill a process cleanly, use the SIGTERM command.

Use the ps aux command to find the process that contains a flag.

To stop an example service called ‘myservice’, use the following command: systemctl stop myservice.

To start the same service on the boot-up of the system, use the following command: systemctl enable myservice.

To background a service, use Ctrl+Z or fg.

Dig into cron and crontab.

To check crons and edit them, use the following command: crontab -e.

Look at access logs in the var/logs folder.

Cat one of the access log files and note the ip of the user who visited the site.

Also, check what file they accessed.